Are you an expert on real-time analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or edge/IoT? We welcome executives, analysts, practitioners, and other experts who want to contribute their original knowledge, passion, and wisdom to help enlighten our community.
On RTInsights (RTI), your words will reach a highly engaged network of CxOs, operations executives, and other IT and sector professionals and decision-makers. Cloud Data Insights (CDI) is more targeted toward practitioners and covers some of the same topics as RTInsights but in more technical detail.
As our name implies, we cover all things real-time and the cloud technologies and tools that enable them, with a particular focus on the areas described below.

Finally, we always welcome use cases across any sector focused on applications that incorporate real-time processes.
Please contact editor-in-chief Salvatore Salamone for more information or to pitch your idea to RTInsights. For pieces by and for practitioners, please contact Elizabeth Wallace, the editor for Cloud Data Insights.
Our submission guidelines are below. The best approach is to send an email with a proposed article topic, a short description (one or two sentences) about how the article will cover the topic, author name, and author bio.
Article Submission Guidelines
1. BE ORIGINAL: We welcome original bylined articles from end-user practitioners, independent analysts and consultants, researchers, academics, and ecosystem executives. Note: Our audience reacts differently to seeing a marketing, product management, or sales cycle than to other titles, so please consider that in your or your team’s contribution.
2. ASK FIRST: Before writing your article, please contact Salvatore Salamone, Editor-in-chief, or Elizabeth Wallace, Cloud Data Insights’ editor, to pitch your story idea.
3. NO SALES: Articles must be written from an independent viewpoint—with no mention of the company, products, or services. We will edit out vendor and product mentions at our discretion, including the removal of embedded links.
4. BE FOCUSED: Ideal and successful articles focus on market trends and research, insightful commentary, real-world applications (i.e., case studies or customer success stories), or advancements in technology.
5. NEUTRAL TONE: We don’t want you to tame your passion when writing on your subject, but we suggest keeping the tone neutral. This increases an author’s thought leadership on the subject matter.
6. BE REAL-TIME: We like overall trend articles focused on our area of focus, but articles have to have a “real-time” angle in mind. We define “real-time” as the time frame from receipt of data, analysis of that data, and presentation of possible outcomes. The decision process could be instantaneous (i.e., machine-to-machine) or could be the presentation of data for action to an operator in an industrial process within a time latency of several minutes.
7. LENGTH TARGET: The sweet spot for articles is between 1,000 and 2,000 words.
8. SUBMISSION FORMAT: Microsoft Word via email is preferred.
9. AUTHOR INFO: We expect the author to be a real-time expert (verifiable with a LinkedIn profile that demonstrates expertise in the real-time market). (Note: We do not accept articles from content, marketing, or SEO writers.) The author must also have a collection of published articles on the topic and an online presence. With your first submission, please include the following:
- a brief author bio (150 words or less)
- author’s email address for public posting
- a high-resolution, color headshot of the author
- Social media handles for the author and company, especially Twitter and LinkedIn
10. PHOTOS AND GRAPHICS: Relevant photos and graphics that enhance the message of the article are encouraged for each submission. The best formats are high-resolution, color JPEG files (.jpg).
Graphics can be embedded within your Word document to show desired placement, but they should always be sent as an email attachment as well. And you will need cleared rights and a source for all photos, or they will not be used.
11. TIMELINE FOR PUBLISHING: Once we receive a draft of an article, it typically takes between three to six weeks to review, prep, and schedule for posting.
12. SOCIAL MEDIA: We expect all contributors to our network to follow our social media channels with their own accounts and/or their company’s accounts. We will follow back. And please subscribe to our weekly newsletter!
13. HELP US AMPLIFY YOUR CONTENT: We will let you know when we publish your article. We expect you will amplify it through your own social media, newsletter, and other channels, too.
14. RE-PUBLISHING: You may not re-publish the same article that we have accepted. You are welcome, however, to post a summary and link to the original on or
15. THE FINAL WORD: We maintain final editorial control of all articles, including main copy, links, photos, graphics, SEO, and social media copy.
Good writing!